张渊(Yuan Zhang)




Email: zhangyuan@nju.edu.cn




You can find my English mainpage here.


计算机网络 (Computer Networks)



  1. Yuan Zhang, Yunlong Mao, Minze Xu, Fengyuan Xu, Sheng Zhong, Towards Thwarting Template Side-channel Attacks in Secure Cloud Deduplications, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

  2. Jun Wu, Yuan Zhang, Qiao Yu, Lei Zhang, Chongjun Wang, Junyuan Xie, Multi-unit Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Cellular Traffic Offloading, Accepted by  the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019)

  3. Binru Wang, Yuan Zhang, Zhi-Hua Zhou, and Sheng Zhong. On Repeated Stackelberg Security Game with the Cooperative Human Behavior Model for Wildlife Protection, Applied Intelligence, Accepted.

  4. Yunlong Mao, Yuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Fengyuan Xu, Sheng Zhong. Location Privacy in Public Access Points Positioning: An Optimization and Geometry Approach. Computers & Security, Accepted.

  5. Yuan Zhang, Boyu Zhu, Yixin Fang, Suxin Guo, Aidong Zhang, Sheng Zhong. Secure Inter-domain Forwarding Loop Test in Software Defined Networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Accepted.

  6. Binru Wang, Yuan Zhang and Sheng Zhong. On Repeated Stackelberg Security Game with the Cooperative Human Behavior Model for Wildlife Protection(Extended Abstract), Accepted by AAMAS2017. pdf下载

  7. Yu Zhou, Yuan Zhang, Sheng Zhong. Incentive Mechanism Design in Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems with Budget Restriction and Capacity Limit. Accepted by the 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2017).

  8. Yunlong Mao, Tingting Chen, Yuan Zhang, Tiancong Wang, Sheng Zhong. Towards Privacy-Preserving Aggregation for Collaborative Spectrum Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Accepted.

  9. Fan Wu, Dongxin Liu, Zhihao Wu, Yuan Zhang, Guihai Chen. Cost-Efficient Indoor White Space Exploration Through Compressive Sensing. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Accepted.

  10. Yuan Zhang, Qingjun Chen, Sheng Zhong. Efficient and Privacy-preserving Min and k-th Min Computations in Mobile Sensing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 2017 pdf下载

  11. Yuan Zhang, Yunlong Mao, Sheng Zhong. Joint Differentially Private Gale-Shapley Mechanisms for Location Privacy Protection in Mobile Traffic Offloading Systems. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Accepted.

  12. Yunlong Mao, Yuan Zhang, Sheng Zhong. Stemming Downlink Leakage from Training Sequences in Multi-User MIMO Networks. Accepted by the 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’ 16).

  13. Yuan Zhang, Wei Tong, Sheng Zhong. On Designing Satisfaction-Ratio-Aware Truthful Incentive Mechanisms for k-anonymity Location Privacy, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Accepted.

  14. Yuan Zhang, Qingjun Chen, Sheng Zhong, Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation in Mobile Phone Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security.

  15. Yuan Zhang, Siyuan Tang, Tingting Chen, Sheng Zhong, Competitive Auctions for Cost-aware Cellular Traffic Offloading with Optimized Capacity Gain. Accepted by the 35th International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’16).

  16. Yuan Zhang, He Zhang, Siyuan Tang, Sheng Zhong, Designing Secure and Dependable Mobile Sensing Mechanisms With Revenue Guarantees, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2016

  17. Dongxin Liu, Zhihao Wu, Fan Wu, Yuan Zhang, Guihai Chen, FIWEX: A Compressive Sensing Based Cost-Efficient Indoor White Space Exploration Mechanism, ACM MobiHoc 2015.

  18. Yuan Zhang, Yunlong Mao, He Zhang, Sheng Zhong.Privacy Preserving Market Schemes for Mobile Sensing. To appear in proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2015), 2015. pdf下载

  19. Sheng Zhong, Yuan Zhang, “How to Select Optimal Gateway Selection in Multi-Domain Wireless Networks–Alternative Solutions without Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Accepted, 2013.

  20. Yuan Zhang, Sheng Zhong, “An Efficient Solution to Generalized Yao’s Millionaire Problem”, accepted by Bulletin of Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, 2013

  21. Yuan Zhang, Sunethra Dhileepan, Matthew Schmidt, Sheng Zhong, “Emergency Access for Online Personally Controlled Health Records System”, Informatics for Health and Social Care, 37:3, 190–202, 2012.

  22. Yuan Zhang, Sheng Zhong, “Privacy preserving perceptron learning in malicious model”, Neural Computing and Applications, 2012.

  23. Yuan Zhang, Sheng Zhong, “A privacy-preserving algorithm for distributed training of neural network ensembles”, Neural Computing and Applications, 1–14, 2012.

  24. Sheng Zhong, Yuan Zhang, “Approximation Algorithm for Estimating Failure Probability of Multipath Transmission”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81:9, 1729–1732, 2011.

  25. Yuan Zhang, Chi-hung Chi, Shengqing Zhang, Nan Zheng, Complete Decentralized Mechanism Design for Online Machine Scheduling, in Proceeding of 6th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, 2009. ICESS’09.,530–535.